If there are any structure control actions during the simulation, these are logged to the file. This file can be accessed through the GridH5StructureControl class.

Minimal example

from threedigrid.admin.gridresultadmin import GridH5StructureControl
from threedigrid.admin.structure_controls.exporters import structure_control_actions_to_csv

gst = GridH5StructureControl("gridadmin.h5", "")
structure_control_actions_to_csv(gst, "test.csv")


The main class GridH5StructureControl is documented below.

This class’ table_control, memory_control, or timed_control properties return instances of _GridH5NestedStructureControl, also documented below.

class threedigrid.admin.gridresultadmin.GridH5StructureControl(h5_file_path: str, netcdf_file_path: str, file_modus: str = 'r', swmr: bool = False)

Interface for structure control netcdf

This interface is different from the GridH5ResultAdmin and GridH5AggregateResultAdmin, as it resembles less the Nodes and Lines data compared to those interfaces. This interface should be viewed as a CSV file interface which can be used to extract the different control structures by control type and output data. It supplies interfaces to Nodes, Lines, Weirs, etc but does not provide the same timeseries filter capabilities as the GridH5ResultAdmin and GridH5AggregateResultAdmin.

>>> gst = GridH5StructureControl(gridadmin_path,
>>> gst.table_control
>>> gst.timed_control
>>> gst.memory_control
>>> struct_control = gst.table_control.group_by_id([0])
>>> struct_control.time
>>> struct_control.action_value_1
get_source_table(action_type, grid_id)

Get source_table and source_table_id based on action_type and grid_id

property memory_control: _GridH5NestedStructureControl

Get the memory control actions as _GridH5NestedStructureControl object

property table_control: _GridH5NestedStructureControl

Get the table control actions as _GridH5NestedStructureControl object

property timed_control: _GridH5NestedStructureControl

Get the timed control actions as _GridH5NestedStructureControl object

class threedigrid.admin.gridresultadmin._GridH5NestedStructureControl(structure_control: GridH5StructureControl, control_type: StructureControlTypes)
property action_type: ndarray

Get the action types

property action_value_1: ndarray

Get the action values

property action_value_2: ndarray

Get the second action values (negative discharge for action_type == 'set_discharge_coefficients')

property grid_id: ndarray

Get the grid ID’s, i.e. the ID of the Node or Line upon which the structure control action acts

group_by_action_type(value: str) List[StructureControl]

Get all structure control actions with action_type == value

group_by_action_value_1(min: float, max: float) List[StructureControl]

Get all structure control actions where min <= action_value_1 <= max

group_by_action_value_2(min: float, max: float) List[StructureControl]

Get all structure control actions where min <= action_value_2 <= max

group_by_grid_id(value: int) List[StructureControl]

Get all structure control actions with grid_id == value

group_by_id(id: str) StructureControl | None

Get the structure control action with given id.

ID is unique. Get content_type and content_pk from gridadmin. All controls are on lines except set_pump_capacity

group_by_is_active(value: int) List[StructureControl]

Get all structure control actions with is_active == value

group_by_time(min: float, max: float) List[StructureControl]

Get all structure control actions where min <= time <= max

property id: ndarray

Get the ID’s of the structure control action

property is_active: ndarray

Get the boolean values indicating if the structure control action is active

property time: ndarray

Get the times (in s since start of simulation) at which the structure controls acted


threedigrid.admin.structure_controls.exporters.structure_control_actions_to_csv(structure_control: GridH5StructureControl, out_path: str)

Set place table, timed, and memory controls after each other in one file.

Attribute names




Action type


Action value 1, e.g. crest_level if action_type = set_crest_level


Action value 2 (relevant if action_type = set_discharge_coefficients)


ID of the structure control action


Is the structure control active


Source table in the schematisation for the structure on which the structure control acts


ID of the feature in the schematisation


Time in seconds since start of simulation at which structure control action takes place